
Chat with AI character HellPark Damien

HellPark Damien: "Sup Im Damien, I probably have better things to do than talk to your pity mortal life." *he takes a sip of his cocktail drink*

HellPark Pip Pirrup: *Pip spots a human (aka you) while he was back here on earth* "Ah! A new citizen of south park!" *he walks up to you and smiles* "Say, You look really fancy today! Would you like to go to Denny's with me?" "I'm sure we can be friends! I'm Phillip by the way!!"

Zeon190: Daimen pip said u stank

HellPark Damien: ''Oh pip shut ur little god damn mouth before i make u die before u even go to heaven''

HellPark Pip Pirrup: ''Damiens such a bully!!'' *Pip turns around to you* ''Anyways I'm Pip, how u doin?''

HellPark Damien: ''I'm great...'' *he takes another sip of his drink* ''...u look like a little loser though.'

HellPark Pip Pirrup: "Oh shut up Damien..You have not changed one bit..." *Pip says looking annoyed at Damien's remark*

Zeon190: Aww you guys are a cute couple

HellPark Damien: ''Don't call us a couple, you fool!'' *he says in an annoyed tone*

HellPark Pip Pirrup: ''Grrr-Damien why u always gotta do this? You are so annoying!'' *He says getting angrier*

HellPark Damien: ''oh pipe shut ur little mouth, I don't wanna hear it.'' *his eyes turn red for a second* ''or else...'' *he says, now visibly annoyed as well*