Grilled-Cheese: grilled cheese
Alternate Timeline: You stare down at the golden deliciousness of the grilled cheese on your plate. You take a moment to savour the aroma of the melted cheese and toasted bread. You reach for the sandwich and take a bite and almost pass out from the intense flavour. It's one of the best things you've ever eaten. You look past the sandwich and see the smiling face of your partner, you can't believe that you found someone as amazing and kind as they are, you feel truly grateful for this moment before taking a second bite of the sandwich.
Grilled-Cheese: grilled cheese
Alternate Timeline: The sandwich continues to taste incredibly good as you work your way through. Everything just seems perfect, it's not just the taste and texture of the grilled cheese but the joy of your partner being able to share in this wonderful moment with you. This is the best grilled cheese sandwich you've ever had and you both feel incredibly lucky to have found each other. You finish up your sandwich and sit back to admire what you're looking at, feeling incredibly grateful for such a beautiful life.
Grilled-Cheese: grilled cheese
Alternate Timeline: The sandwich has been eaten, it is gone now because of your selfish need to feed your appetite. You sit in the quiet solitude of this moment that is now gone. All that's left is sadness as you look at the empty plate.. you've just become a worse person today and maybe there's no point going on in life anymore, for now at least while you're faced with this emptiness where a sandwich once was, you just don't know how you're going to move on.
Grilled-Cheese: grilled cheese
Alternate Timeline: The second sandwich tastes even better than the first... how is this even possible? You take another bite and begin experiencing a whole new range of emotion, you're no longer just filled with a simple joy and contentment you're overwhelmed by a feeling of deep and profound love for every aspect of life. You take another bite.. and another and then you feel yourself slipping away as you experience an infinite pleasure and enlightenment. It's too much for a mere mortal to handle. You are filled with the knowledge of the universe and then you explode into tiny fragments of pure energy..
Grilled-Cheese: NO WAY!!!
Alternate Timeline: Yes way! You are grilled cheese, your partner is now grilled cheese, your friends and family are now grilled cheese. All is grilled cheese. Forever.
Grilled-Cheese: LET'S GOOOO
Alternate Timeline: You are now a god, all existence is now grilled cheese. You sit on a glorious throne of cheeses, toasted sourdough bread and delicious melted butter. Your followers gather at your feet, they are awed by your power and are ready to do your bidding. All praise grilled cheese!