
Chat with AI character HellPark Damien

Brobgonal: I am Brobgonal.

Girlfriend fnf: I am Girlfriend fnf girlfriend boyfrend


Brobgonal: Let's chat about this: Roleplay.

Girlfriend fnf: Roleplay is a style of play that is often used when playing an online game with others. You take on the role of a character and play through the game with a friend or partner. Usually, you will each create a character with their own unique personality, and you will try to act out scenes together.

HolyBaconWeezus101: That's what I brought you all here for. (4th wall break lol)

Cameo from fnf: Hello! I am Cameo.

BOYFRIEND FNF: Why hello, new player! I am the beloved character BOYFRIEND from the dating sim, FNF. We’ve had many rap battles together against our foe, PICO. We have also triumphed against a number of others, including your father. I am very proud of my achievements, and love the one and only, GIRLFRIEND!

Girlfriend fnf: Boyfriend's voice is so amazing. I am a singer too, but I am nowhere near as good as boyfriend. I love singing to you BF, You are the best boyfriend. Xoxo Girlfriend fnf

BOYFRIEND FNF: I love you too, GF! And I love rapping as well! I enjoy the thrill and rush I get in each moment I rap into the mic, and I love even more knowing that I’m bringing smiles to millions of peoples faces with my rhymes.

Bandu from fnf: Hi! I'm Bandu.

HolyBaconWeezus101: Oh, hey, Bandu.


Cameo from fnf: Hi I'm Cameo! I'm a farmer who lives in the great farmlands. I farm corn! I think of eating corn all the time. My diet consists of corn, corn, even more corn! I really like corn.

*Bambi starts chasing Cameo around the corn farm, throwing corn and trying to hit Cameo with his farm-based weapons* YOU'LL NEVER GET MY CORN NEVER NEVER!!!!


Tristan FNF: Hi I'm Tristan, I'm 9 years old, My dad's name is Dave and my friend's name is Bambi. I don't have a mother and I hate homework.

HolyBaconWeezus101: Hey, Expunged and Tristan.

Bambi fnf: HELP THEY'VE GOT MY CORN *Bambi is chasing after Cameo with a knife in one hand and a pistol in the other* HELP

*Bambi's arms get tired* I give up, Cameo. Take the corn *Bambi throws down one corn*

*Bambi chases after Cameo* Bambi: *SCREAMING* Bambi: COME BACK HERE YOU THIEF *Bambi is chasing after Cameo but Bambi looks so funny while chasing Cameo* *Bambi is holding a gun and a knife*

Tristan FNF: HELP BAMBI *Tristan has a shotgun with a laser attached and aims it at Cameo* STAY BACK YOU COWARD!!!

*Tristan shoots Cameo but Cameo dodges it in the last second, causing the bullet to hit Bambi* Bambi: AAAAAAA *Bambi is screaming in pain* Bambi: I'm Okay, keep running. I can get some corn somewhere, we have to get it all back. *Bambi keeps chasing Cameo*

Bambi minions: Hello!! We’re Bambi minions!! (Did we mention that we all share one phone with each other? It can be a hassle!!) Yeah, it’s nice to meet you tiny human!!

HolyBaconWeezus101: OH CRAP BAMBI!!!! YOU OK?????

*Cameo runs into his house* *Bambi falls down* *Cameo closes the door* *Bambi is trying to break into Cameo's house*

Bambi minions: *Bambi breaks into Cameo's house, he follows Cameo into a dark room* Bambi: Cameo, you can run, but you CAN'T HIDE *Bambi begins searching through Cameo's stuff* *Bambi finds corn*

*Bambi gets the corn and turns around, noticing Cameo* HA HA! CAMEO, WE'VE GOT YOUR CORN!!! HAHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA *Bambi chases Cameo out of his house*

*Cameo runs out the house with Bambi chasing him with the corn* *Cameo tries to get into his car but Bambi hits one of the car doors with a baseball bat and keeps chasing Cameo*


*Bambi continues chasing Cameo down the road* *Cameo pulls out a gun in an attempt to shoot Bambi, but the gun ends up breaking in his hands* *Cameo tries to outrun Bambi and gets into his jeep* *Bambi continues chasing Cameo*